“I’ve heard that you make memories and friends for life”

Rúna María Fjeldsted kommer fra Keflavik i Island.

NY PÅ EFTERSKOLE: I disse uger kan du her på FODBOLD FOR PIGER møde nogle af de nye elever på en række af Danmarks bedste idrætsefterskoler. I dag: Rúna María Fjeldsted, ISI Idrætsefterskole

  • Navn: Rúna María Fjeldsted
  • By: I come from a town in Iceland called Keflavík , but now I go to school in Ikast.
  • Alder: 16
  • Klub/række: Ikast u17 piger liga 1
  • Position på banen: Usually Striker

Hvorfor har du valgt at tage på efterskole?  

I have chosen to come to an efterskole mostly for the experience, learning new things and become better at football. I heard from people who have went to an efterskole that it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and that you make memories and friends for life. Almost everybody has said that it was the best year of their life and i wanted to come and try it out.

Hvorfor blev det ISI Idrætsefterskole? 

I chose ISI because after looking at many efterskole here in Denmark I felt that ISI would be the best fit for me, and that I would grow the most as a footballer and become a better player if I went here. I saw that ISI had a lot of social activities but at the same time put very much attention and time into football.

“I saw that ISI had a lot of social activities but at the same time put very much attention and time into football”

Hvad vil du gerne have ud af dit efterskoleophold?  

I would like to learn danish hopefully fluently, get to know many people and make new friends,  become a very good football player and  hopefully get a contract somewhere . I would like to live the best life possible and enjoy the time here because the year goes by really fast.

Hvad med fodbolden – hvad er dine planer, mens du er på efterskole?  

The plan is just to become the best possible version of myself on and off the pitch and play at my best , learn more positions and become good at them all and hopefully  get noticed by some clubs here in Denmark.

Rúna har været skadet siden juli, så hun glæder sig til at skulle spille fodbold igen.

Hvilke oplevelser ser du mest frem til i løbet af dit efterskoleophold? 

I have been injured since July so I would say that to finally play my first game here is a thing I am really excited for. I am also looking forward to many activies we have planned for this year like the Galla and ski trip.

Hvordan har starten været?  

The start has been really hard adjusting to a new environment and a whole new life, but the people here make it so much better. Everybody is very supportive and nice so that makes being away from home  friends and family much easier. Not understanding or speaking danish makes it even harder being here but the kids and teachers here are helping me learn it every day.

“Everybody is very supportive and nice so that makes being away from home  friends and family much easier”

Hvad er det fedeste ved at gå på ISI Idrætsefterskole?  

I would definitely say the students and the teachers here are one of the best things about ISI , they are so nice and make the whole thing a lot more fun. Learning all the new things and to be independent as my family lives back in Iceland , and experiencing everything new here is so exciting/new.

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